We are Eddie and Tammy Villavicencio. We volunteer with Youth With A Mission San Diego/Baja in Mexico. We are called to use our gifitings in education and healthcare to advance the kingdom of God. This calling includes adopting Esthela, a girl who is suffering from rejecting a transplanted kidney. We invite you to be a part of our lives as we follow God’s calling.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Back in Mexico!
We are back in Ensenada Mexico! The summer was absolutely wonderful but now we are starting the next step of our life. We arrived two weeks before our Biblical Core Course starts because this year there is a Foundation School and because this was my old position with YWAM I am training the staff before the school starts. I'm so excited for this family that is coming down to do their Discipleship Training School. They have four girls, ages 11, 9, 5 and 4. We are opening up a Preschool and a grade school Foundation School. Please be praying for the staff, Ximena, William and Lizzie as they take on the responsibility of discipling these great children.
Our Biblical Core Course starts on Sunday. There are many rumors that this course is a very intense school with a lot of studying and homework. I haven't been in school for almost 6 years so I am trying to prepare myself mentally for all the work but I know that this is going to be a huge time of growth for both of us in the Word of God.
Please continue your prayers for us. We are very grateful for each of you!
God bless,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mexican Dinner Night!
Come and help support Eddie and Tammy Villavicencio and eat some delicious food!
Tammy and Eddie Villavicencio are going to the Biblical Core Course in Ensenada, Mexico and then going on staff with youth with a mission in san diego, california.
When: September 3rd, 6:30-8:00 pm
(Come when you can, Tammy and Eddie will be giving an up-date at 7:15)
Where: New Hope
“A Biblical Community”
1340 Haslett Rd.
Haslett, mi 48840
Costs: Suggested donation of $10 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under.
Proceeds go to support Tammy and Eddie´s BBC and staff fees.
We’ll be serving Tamales and Tacos, rice and beans, spicy and mild options to please everyone!
Please RSVP by commenting on this blog.
Information on our NEXT STEP!
What is Youth With A Mission?
What is the Biblical Core Course?
This course is designed to give a thorough understanding of the inductive approach to Bible study, equipping students with many tools for integrating the Word of God into their personal lives, and using it as a foundation for ministry. During the course students will study many individual books in depth from both the Old and New Testaments. We will equip students to work with every form of literature in the Bible, including the Gospels, the Epistles, New Testament narratives, the Torah, Prophetic and Poetical books, and Old Testament narratives thus providing a holistic overview.
Find out more at:
Www.ywam.org and
YWAM has purposely chosen to emphasize personal support raising as the primary means of funding for our staff. Although we recognize there are many other valid ways of financing ministry, the way we have chosen is based on Biblical principles and has enabled us to include tens of thousands of people each year from over 130 countries in the task of fulfilling the Great Commission.
It's also a financial model that enables many important ministries to exist in our world today. Just as the staff of a church or a community service organization relies on donations to pay their salary, so our staff also rely on financial partners to meet their financial needs.
We believe, and have experienced over and over, that personal support raising provides many benefits to our staff. It often creates a close bond between the financial partner and the worker on the field, it helps our workers experience God's faithfulness in tangible ways, and when combined with a commitment to pray as well as to give, it provides powerful teamwork that results in encouragement for our workers and supernatural blessing on our ministries.
Our time in Ecuador

God’s Hand
Water over them. We ministered in a small town called Baños for two days. God moved, we prayed and cried along with the people then left. Two weeks later the Pastor found where we were staying to tell us of all the things God is doing in his church because of what happened while we were there. The youth are forming outreach groups to travel to the surrounding areas and minister to those around them, a small revival has begun. We praised God and gave Him the glory for all that He did in Baños and in Ecuador. God not only showed up but He showed us that He was doing all He had promised. Hungry for the Word of God ![]() In the small village of Benitez Ecuador people are hungry, some even starving. Even though Benitez is a poor village the starvation isn’t a physical one, the people here are starving for spiritual food, the Word of God. As we walked through the town going door to door we encountered many people with lots of questions, open and ready to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and longing for discipleship. As we finished our last church service I ministered to Grace, a new believer. After we finished praying together I walked away to gather my things and she came to me once again. “Can you do me a favor?” she asked with a desperate look in her face. “Of course, what can I do for you?” I replied. “Can you get me a Bible , I really want to study the Word of God,” she said and I could see that hunger, spiritual starvation in her face. My heart dropped, we had already given away all of the Bibles we had brought and Eddie had given away his personal Bible as well. I promised her that she would get one, even if I had to send it from the US I would get her the Word of God. I wished my personal Bible was in Spanish so I could give it to her but there was nothing I could do. Thank God that I was able to find one for her before we left Ecuador but I keep remembering the countless others who were asking for Bibles. What we are currently doing